Youtube Photoshop Tutorials

Zombie Photoshop Tutorial

Zombifiying people in Photoshop is ridiculously good fun! In this first tutorial of The Photoshop Training Channel I will guide you through the various easy-to-follow steps for creating a realistic Photoshop Zombie.

The techniques that I used in this video are all non-destructive and the styles applied are all editable so you can always go back and fine-tune your zombie if need be.

If you have any questions or comments leave them below. If you created something and would like to share it, leave the URL to your image as well.

In This Tutorial You Will Learn How To:

01:33 — Change skin tones using adjustment layers
03:45 — Transform and mask a skull
07:00 — Use textures to create damaged flesh
14:25 — Create zombie teeth
16:50 — Add a scary background
17:05 — Create mist and fog using images of smoke
18:43 — Create a vignette using the brush tool

Zombie Photoshop Tutorial

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